Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Scary stuff. First time in my life that I go to the doctor and the doctor puts me on a ongoing dosage of anti depressants. Have never really needed it.

With this he measured my blood pressure which is 152/105 that's very scary, my bp is usually 132/72. He wants to monitor that.

So, how is it going with me?
Well I got a crazy ass guy who fallows me around, phones me everyday, phones my friends and family. Talks so much kak that he starting to believe himself. And in the end he is ruining his daughters future and making sure he distroys a few while he is busy with this.

My ex girl friend helped him because she was scorned. But now he is gona mess up her career because he tackle's me on fb. Which will link us and then everybody will know she is gay and her minisrty could be in its tjops.
How did she help him? She gave him info about me, gave him numbers to phone etc.
Now she is gona shoot herself in the foot. Very grown up, very inteligent.
Luckily that's not my problem.

What is he trying to achieve?
Well, I'm in a thing with his soon to be ex wife. This is a new thing. But he wants me to back off.
I dnt want to.
Now he wants to ruine my life by leaving messages to strangers about me. I don't have real friends or family, so he is actually just waisting his time.
You need to have something to be able to loose something. My family has never been close and well those who believe all the shit can go to hell.

He wants to break me. Wrong way to go about it.
Only way to break me, is by hurting me physically.

You need emotions to get emotionally eina
You need to be inconstant contact to get mentally abused.
But he is trying, waisting so much time.
He also wants to hurt me physically.

Went to see a lawyer today. Never thought I would do that.
Opened a file against him. Feel bad for his daughter who is going to have to life with this.
My life is more important

The anti-dep is doing there job well. I'm so chilled.

But I'm getting tired of empty threats

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