Sunday, April 12, 2015

week from hell

In this incredible short week I have really lost my forward motion

Coming from a background where I really didn't exercise, didn't care, had nothing.

I built myself to be healthy, look good, achieve and accumulate assets. But in this four day week I lost it

First day my car was crashed. Yes, no more car. Second this led to me loosing my nest egg. This thirdly made me feel like I'm back where I was 3 years ago, which led to me feeling depressed. So I didn't exercise, I didn't study,  I just didn't feel a shit.

My mind set is weak and my heart heavy.

I'm still feeling like the looser I've always been

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Choosing where you want to be,at a certain point in time.

As I'm curled up in my warm bed
I asked myself where would I want to be right now?
Am I in control of where I am?

Simple truth, I'm exactly where I want to be,  yes, I control where I am. If I wanted to be somewhere else I could have been. Anywhere...

Time, waits for no one.
I've done so much in my small insignificant life.
But yet I have had amazing, earth shattering emotions, I've felt them in myself. For others and more than that, they felt it for me.

I love where I am now